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Who Can be Held Liable In an Uber or Lyft Accident?

After a night out, most people think taking an alternative method of transportation is the safest and most convenient option; however, that is not always the case. Rideshare options have grown significantly, especially over the last few years, due to the popularity, accessibility, and technology available. However, most riders who choose to take Uber or Lyft are not aware of the possible implications.


As the number of rideshare options have increased, so has the number of motor vehicle accidents. A study from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business reported the arrival of ridesharing is primarily associated with an increase of roughly 3% of the number of motor vehicle accidents and fatalities. Here's what you should know:


Rideshare Liability

To obtain compensation for injuries, it's crucial to prove that the defendant breached the duty of care through negligence and, as a result, you sustained damages. Suppose an employee such as an Uber driver failed to uphold reasonable care during a ride, and the driver’s negligence resulted in injuries to their passengers. In that case, the employer can be held liable for the recklessness of their drivers.


If an accident occurs, large ridesharing corporations like Uber or Lyft have third-party liability insurance.

The Circumstances of a Rideshare Accident


Many factors can lead to these rideshare accidents, such as distracted driving, speeding, traffic violations, etc. However, when you are involved in one, it may be challenging to hold the correct party accountable. It often depends on the circumstances that the accident occured in.


California's Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) Impact on Ridesharing

Rideshare companies often classify their employees as independent contractors so they don't have to take responsibility for the driver's actions. However, in 2020, California appellate court stated that rideshare companies must classify drivers as employees rather than independent contractors.


If you or someone you love was involved in a rideshare accident and sustained severe injuries, you have the right to seek compensation. Contact us today at (916) 476-2399 for a free case consultation.