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What Shouldn’t I Say to an Insurance Adjuster?

man discussing car accident with insurance adjuster

After a crash occurs, claimants frequently find themselves needing to deal with the opposing side’s insurance adjusters. While the adjuster may act friendly, be mindful that they are trained negotiators who want to protect their companies’ profits, not pay out compensation to injured parties.

First thing to know is that you do NOT have a legal duty to say anything on a recorded line. In fact, we counsel all of our clients to refrain from giving recorded statements, period. So, if you are going to talk to an adjuster at all, the best practice is to simply confirm that you do NOT consent to any recording of any kind and if they insist on recording the conversation, then there will be no conversation. Most adjusters will move forward with their investigation and when they do so your job is to use as many words as possible describing the event. For example, in a rear-end collision, simply say I was rear-ended by your insured. You do not have to give them speeds, distances or explain what your body did in the crash. Just stick with the basic facts and do not try to add anything more.

Next, because insurance adjusters are looking for different ways to deny or minimize compensation, you must be careful about the things you say when speaking with them. Below, we’ll provide you with some of the things you should avoid saying when talking to an insurance adjuster to protect your rights to compensation.

I Think

When you say that you think something happened, you’re showing uncertainty in your statements. Insurance adjusters are quick to turn this against you, claiming that you don’t remember what happened in the accident and you may have been the one at fault for the crash.

I Apologize

Apologizing for any part of the incident could indicate a fault in the eyes of insurance adjusters. For instance, if you tell the insurance adjuster you apologized to the other driver involved, it could give them a reason to deny your claim.

I Don’t Remember

Saying you don’t remember parts of the accident can damage your claim. The insurance adjuster can try to dismiss your entire statement, claiming that your memory is fuzzy or that you are making things up because you don’t remember specific aspects about how the crash occurred.

You should know that you don’t have to deal with insurance adjusters alone. Getting legal counsel is one of the most vital things you can do. Your legal representative can handle insurance adjusters on your behalf, make statements pertaining to your crash, and protect you from tactics these professionals may try to use against you.

At Piering Law Firm, we put you first. Our Sacramento car accident attorneys go above and beyond to recover the compensation you need and deserve after a severe accident. Trust in us to be your voice against negligence and hold the negligent party responsible for their actions.

Call our firm today at (916) 476-2399 to discuss your potential case.

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