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Understanding California Distracted Driving Laws

As a motorist, taking your eyes off the road, and engaging in any activity other than driving is hazardous not only to yourself but other drivers around you. This day and age there are so many external distractions that try to steal our attention as well as internal distractions. One of the most common distractions drivers face is using their cellphones while behind the wheel. It only takes a mere few seconds of taking your eyes off the road to greatly increase your chances of getting involved in a severe motor vehicle crash.

According to the 2017 California Annual Report of Fatal and Injury Motor Vehicle Traffic Collisions, 3,904 car accident victims lost their lives in fatal crashes and 277,160 victims suffered severe injuries as a result of these crashes. The primary cause of most motor vehicle accidents is distracted driving, and this epidemic worsens each year. Not only is using your cellphone while driving hazardous, it is also illegal. This attention deficit on California roads has gotten so severe that the state has enacted laws to promote safe driving and prevent distracted driving.

California Distracted Driving Laws


AB-47 prohibits motorists from using their electronic devices while operating their vehicle; unless the driver enacts a “hands free” alternative such as speaker phone or voice commands. A driver who is under the age of 18 is prohibited from using their cellphone while driving, and even restricted from using the hands free option. There are also specific convictions and violations under the vehicle code for drivers found to be using their devices while driving; this can include points on license depending on the circumstances.

Put Your Phone Down Just Drive Campaign

Engaging in distracting activities while driving increases the risk of getting involved in an accident by three times. The California Office of Traffic Safety started a public awareness campaign to educate drivers on the dangers of texting and driving and the safest thing they can do is put their phones away and focus on the road. The campaign also provides safety tips for drivers to implement to reduce their chances of getting distracted behind the wheel and more information on California’s distracted driving laws. The campaign also provides safety tips for drivers to implement to reduce their chances of getting distracted behind the wheel and more information on California’s distracted driving laws including:

  • Focusing on the road, not your social media status.

  • Before driving, reduce temptations by putting your phone away in the glove box or trunk anywhere that is out of reach.

  • If you need to make a call or text, pull over to a safe spot on the road.

If you or someone you love is involved in an accident caused by a distracted driver, Piering Law Firm can help. Contact us today at (916) 476-2399 to schedule a free case consultation.